
Joblist Jogjainfo 22 Agustus 2011

Butuh Cepat 1 orang Apoteker untuk APA, punya SP, lamaran ke Apt Pulowatu Jl. Turi-Pakem 47 Telp. 7478309

Dibutuhkan Admin Pria/wanita max 30th & Penjahit berpengalaman hub Rumah Michael Jl. Timoho 943 T.543724/0818265281

Dicari 20 Karyawan Toko Mini Market Pendidikan SD-SMA Langsung kerja/Habis lebaran Segera daftar Telepon 7491809

Optik terbesar di Kulon Progo Butuh banyak Karyawan : Admin, jaga counter/Shift, Delivery, Kolektor, Marketing. Bawa lamaran ke Optik Yanindo 1) Jl. Sutijap 21 kav 2 Drian Wates (Samping bank BTPN) 2) Jl. Khudori 14 (dpn alfamart) wates. Paling lambat 27 Agustus 2011. CP. 0274-7006273/0878.6164.7873

Dibut Karyawati toko, single, SMU, max 23 jujur rajin. Kirim ke Toko Prestasi Jl. Palagan TP. 118A Ygy

Dibutuhkan Operator Warnet untuk jaga selama libur lebaran. Bawa Lamaran lengkap lengkap ke warnet Cakra Net Jl. kaliurang Km. 15 Degolan (utara UII)

Butuh : Admin, wanita, SMK, akuntansi, single, max 25 th, menarik, sda shift malam, asli yk H : Ortindo Jl. Afandi 23 yk T.518474

Dibutuhkan OP Warnet putra/putri bersedia shift. lamaran ke : jln Hos Cokroaminoto 80 Yk

Butuh FO wanita D3, bisa komputer datang langsung jam 10-13. Martha Tilaar Spa jl. poncowinatan no. 88 jgj

Dicari wanita single min D3 informatika max 26 th Part/fulltime H:Ox Parabola Jl. Cokroaminoto 70 T.7401550

Dubutuhkan karyawan/wati Counter,max 25 th SMU jujur disiplin, tanggungjawab. lam : bubbles Cell Jl. DI Panjaitan 78 yk

Iklan Baris Kolom KR Senin Pahing, 22 Agustus 2011 (22 Pasa 1944 J)
Publish @

Need Quick 1 person Pharmacists for APA, a SP, proposing to Pulowatu Road Apt. Turi-Pakem 47 Tel. 7478309

Admin Needed Male / female max 30th & Tailors experienced hub Houses Michael Jl. 943 Timoho T.543724/0818265281

Employees Wanted Shop Mini Market 20 SD-High School Education Direct labor / Expires Soon widths Phone 7491809 list

Kulon Progo largest optical took a lot of employees': Admin, keep the counters / Shift, Delivery, Collector, Marketing. Bring resume to Optics Yanindo 1) Jl. Sutijap 21 kav 2 Drian Wates (Side BTPN bank) 2) Jl. Khudori 14 (DPN Alfamart) Wates. No later than August 27, 2011. CP. 0274-7006273/0878.6164.7873

Employee Dibut shop, single, high school, max 23 honest industrious. Send to Shop Achievement Jl. Theater TP. 118A Ygy

Operator Warnet required to keep during the Eid holiday. Bring Applications to the cafe full complete Chakra Net Jl. Kaliurang Km. 15 Degolan (north UII)

Need: Admin, women, SMK, accounting, single, max 25 years old, attractive, sda night shift, the original yk H: Ortindo Jl. Afandi 23 yk T.518474

OP needed Warnet son / daughter willing to shift. resume to: jln Hos Cokroaminoto 80 Yk

Need FOR D3 woman, a computer can come directly at 10-13. Martha Tilaar Spa Jl. poncowinatan no. 88 jgj

Wanted single woman max min D3 informatics 26 th Part / fulltime H: Ox Parabola Road. Cokroaminoto 70 T.7401550

Dubutuhkan employee Counter, max 25 th High School honest discipline, responsibility. lam: bubbles Cell Jl. IN Panjaitan 78 yk

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